For over 30 years, Regi Campbell has been listening and learning, collecting principles and insights to make himself better at life. His experience as a Jesus-follower, husband, father, entrepreneur, CEO, and mentor have yielded a treasure trove of wisdom now dispensed in a year of brief, daily readings.

If you want to be mentored by an older, wiser experienced leader, read Radical Wisdom every day for the next 12 months. Pray the prayers. Lean into the challenges. You’ll emerge a better man and a better leader of yourself and others.

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Who is Radical Wisdom for?

  • Leaders looking to lead their families, their businesses, and themselves.
  • Mentors looking to fill up their cups so they empty them into others.
  • Pastors & church leaders looking to stay fresh and grounded.
  • Mentoring groups looking to keep growing after their mentoring season.
  • Graduates looking for guidance as they move into the next stage of life.

About the Author

Regi Campbell was the husband of Miriam and father of two adult children and five grandchildren. He was CEO of five startup companies, twice served as an Elder at North Point Community Church, and founded Radical Mentoring. His previous books include About My Fathers BusinessMentor Like Jesus, and What Radical Husbands Do. Before his passing in January 2020, he resided outside Atlanta.


  • Andy Stanley
  • Nate Larkin
  • Clay Scroggins
  • John Maxwell

“Radical Wisdom is an opportunity to lean into the wisdom and insight of a guy whose faith is big and whose life and leadership have impacted me and countless others.”

– Andy Stanley, author, communicator, and founder of North Point Ministries

“Regi Campbell is my ideal mentor. For years he has been gathering wisdom like a prospector, searching his surroundings every day for a nugget of gold and, when he finds one, digging in the Bible until he reaches the vein. Whatever Regi finds he invests in younger men. This book is a treasure-trove of practical guidance, worthy of a permanent place on any Christian’s nightstand.”

– Nate Larkin, author of Samson and the Pirate Monks

“Regi Campbell is on the Mount Rushmore of influential men. He’s challenged, inspired, provoked, spurred, and sparked thousands of men to live a life on purpose, for a purpose. Like so many men I know, I already read Regi’s work throughout the year, so having it in this form is pure gold!!!”

– Clay Scroggins, author of How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge

“Regi Campbell thinks clearly, he speaks clearly, he speaks from experience and there’s a ton of wisdom in what he has to say.”

– John Maxwell, author and speaker on leadership


Radical Wisdom: A Daily Journey for Leaders is available on Amazon, or you can order directly from Radical Mentoring, where you can also find the following bulk discounts.

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